There’s a better way to recruit executive talent.

You know the traditional approach to recruiting is flawed.

It was created in a different era, to service a different world than the one we find ourselves in now.

Today, we’re being asked to find ways to hire more minority candidates, to address the “great resignation,” to accomplish new goals – but to do so with the same tools and processes that got us into this spot in the first place.

You know how it goes. You fill a role with a minority, because that’s what you’re asked to do. And that candidate gets the position and is immediately tagged as the “minority hire”. So, they never quite fit in. They aren’t fully accepted and valued for their skills. As someone once said, it’s like being invited to the party but not asked to dance. Because they aren’t given a fair chance, they generally leave within a year or two. The company still hasn’t solved the problem, and you look like you failed.

There’s a better way to recruit to meet DEI needs that makes everyone feel included, that produces sustainable, replicable results, and makes you – the person in charge – look like a star. A systematic process to build executive teams that accurately represent the diversity of the real world – which includes people of color, gender diversity, as well as the traditional power structure of American business.  And an important note: this diverse group must also include white males or those that don’t look like your current executive suite; otherwise, you’re not truly pursuing diversity.

This diverse group of candidates increases your chances of building a diverse executive team, while uncovering the hidden talent that your traditional methods may overlook. And as the research shows, a more diverse team leads to higher profitability.

It sounds simple, but if you’re dedicated to reaping the rewards of a better way to recruit, it takes a dedicated process, not just good intentions.

We simply cannot settle for the status quo any longer.


Diverse candidates are not unicorns.


Stop expecting the job fairy to find you that amazing job.